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Oracle Database Links and PostgreSQL DBLink and FDWrapper

#Oracle Database Links and PostgreSQL DBLink and FDWrapper| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Oracle Database Links and PostgreSQL DBLink and FDWrapper Feature compatibility AWS SCT / AWS DMS automation level AWS SCT action code index Key differences

Database Links

Different paradigm and syntax

Oracle Usage

Database Links are schema objects used to interact with remote database objects such as tables. Common use cases for database links include selecting data from tables that reside in a remote database.

To use database links, Oracle net services must be installed on both the local and remote database servers to facilitate communications.


Create a database link named remote_db. When creating a database link, you have the option to specify the remote database destination using a TNS Entry or to specify the full TNS Connection string.


After the database link is created, you can use the database link directly as part of a SQL query using the database link name (@remote_db) as a suffix to the table name.

SELECT * FROM employees@remote_db;

Database links also support DML commands.

INSERT INTO employees@remote_db (employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id) VALUES (999, 'Claus', '[email protected]', SYSDATE, 'SH_CLERK'); UPDATE jobs@remote_db SET min_salary = 3000 WHERE job_id = 'SH_CLERK'; DELETE FROM employees@remote_db WHERE employee_id = 999;

For more information, see Managing Database Links in the Oracle documentation.

PostgreSQL Usage

Querying data in remote databases in PostgreSQL is available through two primary options:

dblink database link function.

postgresql_fdw (Foreign Data Wrapper, FDW) extension.

The PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper extension is new to PostgreSQL and offers functionality that is similar to dblink. However, the PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper aligns closer with the SQL standard and can provide improved performance.

Example of using dblink

Load the dblink extension into PostgreSQL.


Create a persistent connection to a remote PostgreSQL database using the dblink_connect function specifying a connection name (myconn), database name (postgresql), port (5432), host (hostname), user (username) and password (password).

SELECT dblink_connect ('myconn', 'dbname=postgres port=5432 host=hostname user=username password=password');

The connection can be used to run queries against the remote database.

Run a query using the previously created connection (myconn) using the dblink function.

The query returns the id and name columns from the employees table. On the remote database, you must specify the connection name and the SQL query to execute as well as parameters and datatypes for selected columns (id and name in this example).

SELECT * from dblink ('myconn', 'SELECT id, name FROM EMPLOYEES') AS p(id int,fullname text);

Close the connection using the dblink_disconnect function.

SELECT dblink_disconnect('myconn');

Alternatively, you can use the dblink function specifying the full connection string to the remote PostgreSQL database, including: database name, port, hostname, username, and password. This can be done instead of using a previously defined connection. You must also specify the SQL query to run as well as parameters and datatypes for the selected columns (id and name, in this example).

SELECT * from dblink ('dbname=postgres port=5432 host=hostname user=username password=password', 'SELECT id, name FROM EMPLOYEES') AS p(id int,fullname text);

DML commands are supported on tables referenced through the dblink function. For example, you can insert a new row and then delete it from the remote table.

SELECT * FROM dblink('myconn',$$INSERT into employees VALUES (3,'New Employees No.3!')$$) AS t(message text); SELECT * FROM dblink('myconn',$$DELETE FROM employees WHERE id=3$$) AS t(message text);

Create a new local new_employees_table table by querying data from a remote table.

SELECT emps.* INTO new_employees_table FROM dblink('myconn','SELECT * FROM employees') AS emps(id int, name varchar);

Join remote data with local data.

SELECT ,, s.sale_year, s.sale_amount FROM local_emps INNER JOIN dblink('myconn','SELECT * FROM working_hours') AS s(id int, hours worked int) ON =;

Run DDL statements in the remote database.

SELECT * FROM dblink('myconn',$$CREATE table new_remote_tbl (a int, b text)$$) AS t(a text);

For more information, see dblink in the PostgreSQL documentation.

Example of using the PostgreSQL Foreign Data Wrapper

Load the fdw extension into PostgreSQL.

CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fdw;

Create a connection to the remote PostgreSQL database specifying the remote server (hostname), database name (postgresql) and the port (5432).

CREATE SERVER remote_db FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres_fdw OPTIONS (host 'hostname', dbname 'postgresql', port '5432');

Create the user mapping, specifying the local_user is a user with permissions in the current database, the server connection created in the previous command (remote_db), and the user and password arguments specified in the options clause must have the required permissions in the remote database.

CREATE USER MAPPING FOR local_user SERVER remote_db OPTIONS (user 'remote_user', password 'remote_password');

After the connection with login credentials for the remote database was created, we can either import individual tables or the entire schema containing all, or some, of the tables and views.

Create a FOREIGN TABLE named foreign_emp_tbl using the remote_db remote connection created earlier specifying both the schema name and table name in the remote database to be queried. For example, the hr.employees table.

CREATE FOREIGN TABLE foreign_emp_tbl ( id int, name text) SERVER remote_db OPTIONS (schema_name 'hr', table_name 'employees');

Queries running on the local foreign_emp_tbl table will actually query data directly from the remote hr.employees table.

SELECT * FROM foreign_emp_tbl;

You can also import an entire schema, or specific tables, without specifying a specific table name.

IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA hr LIMIT TO (employees) FROM SERVER remote_db INTO local_hr;

Both dblink and FDW store the remote database username and password as plain-text, in two locations:

The pg_user_mapping view, accessible only to “super users” in the database.

When using the dblink function, passwords can be stored in your code or procedures inside the database.

Any changes to PostgreSQL user passwords require changing the FDW/dblink specifications as well.

When using FDW, if columns in the remote tables have been dropped or renamed, the queries will fail. The FDW tables must be re-created.

PostgreSQL dblink compared to PostgreSQL Foreign Data Wrapper Description PostgreSQL dblink PostgreSQL Foreign Data Wrapper

Create a permanent reference to a remote table using a database link

Not supported

After creating: define DFW Server, create user mapping, and run.

CREATE FOREIGN TABLE foreign_emp_tbl (id int, name text, address text ) SERVER foreign_server OPTIONS (schema_name 'hr', table_name 'employees');

Query remote data

SELECT * FROM dblink('myconn', 'SELECT * FROM employees') AS p(id int,fullname text, address text); SELECT * FROM foreign_emp_tbl;

DML on remote data

SELECT * FROM dblink('myconn', $$INSERT into employees VALUES (45,'Dan','South side 7432, NY')$$) AS t(id int, name text, address text); INSERT into foreign_emp_tb VALUES (45,'Dan','South side 7432, NY'); (Regular DML)

Run DDL on remote objects

SELECT * FROM dblink ('myconn',$$CREATE table my_remote_tbl (a int, b text)$$) AS t(a text);

Not Supported

Summary Description Oracle PostgreSQL dblink

Create a permanent named database link


Not Supported. You have to manually open the connection to the remote database in your sessions / queries:

SELECT dblink_connect('myconn', 'dbname=postgres port=5432 hostt=hostname user=username password=password');

Query using a database link

SELECT * FROM employees@remote; SELECT * FROM dblink ('myconn','SELECT * FROM employees') AS p(id int,fullname text, address text);

DML using database link

INSERT INTO employees@remote (employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id) VALUES (999, 'Claus','[email protected]', SYSDATE,'SH_CLERK'); SELECT * FROM dblink ('myconn',$$INSERT into employees VALUES (45,'Dan','South side 7432, NY' )$$) AS t(id int, name text, address text);

Heterogeneous database link connections, such as Oracle to PostgreSQL or vice-versa


Create extension oracle_fdw not supported by Amazon RDS.

Run DDL using a database link

Not supported directly, but you can run a procedure or create a job on the remote database and runs the desired DDL commands.

[email protected]( l_job, 'execute immediate ''create table t ( x int)''' ); commit; SELECT * FROM dblink ( 'myconn',$$CREATE table my_remote_tbl (a int, b text)$$) AS t(a text);

Delete a database link

drop database link remote;

Not supported. Close the DBLink connection instead.

SELECT dblink_disconnect ('myconn');

For more information, see postgres_fdw in the PostgreSQL documentation.






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